What Not To Do If You Spot Signs Of Termites Around Your Baton Rouge Property
January 15, 2021
Termites are some of the most destructive insects in America, so destructive that a home or business may have to be completely demolished in some cases. It is for this reason River City Termite & Pest Control puts these devious woodworkers in a class of their own.
So long as Baton Rouge faces the threat of these white, ant-like, hungry little critters, the pest treatment experts at River City Termite & Pest Control will be there to put a stop to termite infestation at every level. No colony is too big or small.

Common Do It Yourself Termite Prevention Methods
When faced with a termite infestation, many homeowners’ initial inclination is to try and handle the problem on their own. This desire is understandable, but with less than effective or outright useless pest control tips out there, it is that much harder for homeowners to make a dent in nearby termite colonies. So then, what commonly spread DIY pest control tips may not quite pan out the way you want them to?
- Store brand pesticide sprays are among the most common pest prevention methods of all time. Sometimes, the products are simply too broad in their targets to service anything with effectiveness, while others’ formulas are simply outdated.
- A commonly mentioned substance termites hate can be found even in your kitchen. It’s vinegar! The problem is, it’s difficult to permeate this smell through any interior wood where termites could hide, and the liquid could risk weakening dry wood further.
- Just like vinegar, it is said that termites can’t stand the smell of orange oil, but this isn’t always the case. Termites are not always a monolith – some of the bugs don’t mind the stench of orange oil.
Tried And True Home Termite Control Strategies
Now that you know the sort of tips to avoid, it’s only natural to want to find effective pest management strategies to replace them. Thankfully, River City Termite & Pest Control knows exactly which methods work and how to execute them around your Baton Rouge property. Here is a list of expert-approved tips and tricks you can implement at home today, courtesy of River City Termite & Pest Control!
- One of the easiest ways for woodworkers to make their way into your Baton Rouge house is to let you do the heavy lifting – literally! Next time you go out to collect firewood, make sure termites haven’t already infested the logs, and if you leave the wood outdoors, never set them up against the walls of your home.
- Similarly, try and avoid soil-to-wood contact around your property as much as possible! For instance, limit the placement of wood chips and keep dry mulch away from the foundation.
- If you discover water damage in wood, replace the material immediately. Not only is the stuff particularly vulnerable to termites, but keep in mind that the moisture damage may be, at least in part, due to termite interference.
- Replace loose mortar and weather stripping. Just because cracks and crevices aren’t in wood, doesn’t mean termites can’t take advantage of them!
The thing is, even these time-tested, home-grown methodologies have their limits. In the long term, the only way to truly rid yourself of termite infestations is with professional assistance. For expert pest assessment and treatment strategies, contact River City Termite & Pest Control today.
Tags: termite control termite prevention termite strategies
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Common Do It Yourself Termite Prevention Methods
When faced with a termite infestation, many homeowners’ initial inclination is to try and handle the problem on their own. This desire is understandable, but with less than effective or outright useless pest control tips out there, it is that much harder for homeowners to make a dent in nearby termite colonies. So then, what commonly spread DIY pest control tips may not quite pan out the way you want them to?
- Store brand pesticide sprays are among the most common pest prevention methods of all time. Sometimes, the products are simply too broad in their targets to service anything with effectiveness, while others’ formulas are simply outdated.
- A commonly mentioned substance termites hate can be found even in your kitchen. It’s vinegar! The problem is, it’s difficult to permeate this smell through any interior wood where termites could hide, and the liquid could risk weakening dry wood further.
- Just like vinegar, it is said that termites can’t stand the smell of orange oil, but this isn’t always the case. Termites are not always a monolith – some of the bugs don’t mind the stench of orange oil.
Tried And True Home Termite Control Strategies
Now that you know the sort of tips to avoid, it’s only natural to want to find effective pest management strategies to replace them. Thankfully, River City Termite & Pest Control knows exactly which methods work and how to execute them around your Baton Rouge property. Here is a list of expert-approved tips and tricks you can implement at home today, courtesy of River City Termite & Pest Control!
- One of the easiest ways for woodworkers to make their way into your Baton Rouge house is to let you do the heavy lifting – literally! Next time you go out to collect firewood, make sure termites haven’t already infested the logs, and if you leave the wood outdoors, never set them up against the walls of your home.
- Similarly, try and avoid soil-to-wood contact around your property as much as possible! For instance, limit the placement of wood chips and keep dry mulch away from the foundation.
- If you discover water damage in wood, replace the material immediately. Not only is the stuff particularly vulnerable to termites, but keep in mind that the moisture damage may be, at least in part, due to termite interference.
- Replace loose mortar and weather stripping. Just because cracks and crevices aren’t in wood, doesn’t mean termites can’t take advantage of them!
The thing is, even these time-tested, home-grown methodologies have their limits. In the long term, the only way to truly rid yourself of termite infestations is with professional assistance. For expert pest assessment and treatment strategies, contact River City Termite & Pest Control today.
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