What You Should Know About Termite Swarms In Baton Rouge
May 14, 2021
Beyond the many other marshland creatures we see around the Baton Rouge area, one pest, in particular, stands tall among them all. These insects are capable of causing over 5 billion dollars’ worth of property damage every year, chewing through wooden structures, drywall, and even floors and ceilings. What are these creatures, you may ask? Here’s a hint: think wood-eating monsters.

Termites in Baton Rouge have a reputation for being some of the roughest and toughest insect invaders in the city. Now that the cold weather is starting to abate and winter’s edge is beginning to retreat, the threat of Louisiana termites is beginning to return to the forefront of our minds.
Termites are theoretically active year-round, but the early spring season is usually known as ‘termite season’ by pest experts. As the weather heats up, termite colonies prepare sexually mature bugs (known as alates) to carry on the infestation tradition. These bugs are called ‘alates’ or ‘swarmers,’ and will exit the hive on a warm day just after a light rain. The bugs will swarm around each other in large clouds to find the perfect mate, then settle down in an area with plenty of food and water sources. Their chosen habitat may be the inside of your home!
Spotting a termite swarm in or around your property will be the first sign of the termite season, and an ominous indication of infestation as well. You will usually spot swarmer activity outside around fallen trees, firewood piles, detritus mounds, and leaf piles. However, you may also spot swarmers around the insides of windows, doorways, and moist areas such as bathrooms, basements, and kitchens. Ultimately, the location in which you spot termite swarmers indicates the likelihood of a termite problem forming around your property.
Preventing Termite Swarms From Entering Your Home
Termites may be a plentiful pest around the Baton Rouge area, but they are not necessarily impossible to beat. Start the termite season off right by making your property as inhospitable to termite swarmers as possible with these tips:
- Eliminate moisture sources inside the home. Desiccant bags can be hung in closets and pantries to remove excess moisture. A quality dehumidifier can be used to remove humidity in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. Leaky pipes and clogged drains may be evaluated for repairs.
- Remove all mulching up against the sides of the home. Replace landscaping areas with peat stone, gravel, or river rock for a safer lawn.
- Seal up the entry points of the home with waterproof caulking.
Not all termite swarmer prevention tips should be attempted on your own. Call the professionals at River City Termite & Pest Control for a thorough home inspection at your earliest convenience.
Managing Malicious Termite Swarmers With River City Termite & Pest
The best form of termite prevention starts in your home, but the best kind of termite elimination comes from professional assistance. River City Termite & Pest Control is fully equipped to handle growing pest problems around your home and property, decimating colonies and their alate swarmers with ease. With decades of experience in the business, our team of professional termite eliminators is fully equipped to protect your home from termites today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come.
Reach out to our experts in Baton Rouge for more information about how our team can help you prevent termites, or submit an online contact form to schedule a household termite treatment right away. Don’t make things harder than they need to be. Even the playing field with River City Termite & Pest today!
Tags: home pest control termite control termites in baton rouge
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Termites in Baton Rouge have a reputation for being some of the roughest and toughest insect invaders in the city. Now that the cold weather is starting to abate and winter’s edge is beginning to retreat, the threat of Louisiana termites is beginning to return to the forefront of our minds.
Termites are theoretically active year-round, but the early spring season is usually known as ‘termite season’ by pest experts. As the weather heats up, termite colonies prepare sexually mature bugs (known as alates) to carry on the infestation tradition. These bugs are called ‘alates’ or ‘swarmers,’ and will exit the hive on a warm day just after a light rain. The bugs will swarm around each other in large clouds to find the perfect mate, then settle down in an area with plenty of food and water sources. Their chosen habitat may be the inside of your home!
Spotting a termite swarm in or around your property will be the first sign of the termite season, and an ominous indication of infestation as well. You will usually spot swarmer activity outside around fallen trees, firewood piles, detritus mounds, and leaf piles. However, you may also spot swarmers around the insides of windows, doorways, and moist areas such as bathrooms, basements, and kitchens. Ultimately, the location in which you spot termite swarmers indicates the likelihood of a termite problem forming around your property.
Preventing Termite Swarms From Entering Your Home
Termites may be a plentiful pest around the Baton Rouge area, but they are not necessarily impossible to beat. Start the termite season off right by making your property as inhospitable to termite swarmers as possible with these tips:
- Eliminate moisture sources inside the home. Desiccant bags can be hung in closets and pantries to remove excess moisture. A quality dehumidifier can be used to remove humidity in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. Leaky pipes and clogged drains may be evaluated for repairs.
- Remove all mulching up against the sides of the home. Replace landscaping areas with peat stone, gravel, or river rock for a safer lawn.
- Seal up the entry points of the home with waterproof caulking.
Not all termite swarmer prevention tips should be attempted on your own. Call the professionals at River City Termite & Pest Control for a thorough home inspection at your earliest convenience.
Managing Malicious Termite Swarmers With River City Termite & Pest
The best form of termite prevention starts in your home, but the best kind of termite elimination comes from professional assistance. River City Termite & Pest Control is fully equipped to handle growing pest problems around your home and property, decimating colonies and their alate swarmers with ease. With decades of experience in the business, our team of professional termite eliminators is fully equipped to protect your home from termites today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come.
Reach out to our experts in Baton Rouge for more information about how our team can help you prevent termites, or submit an online contact form to schedule a household termite treatment right away. Don’t make things harder than they need to be. Even the playing field with River City Termite & Pest today!
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